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Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking


Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking


Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking

Colección de Jiddo

3 Rutas

07:54 h

141 km

1.970 m

Went on a three day bikepacking tour to try out my new home made front roll bag and harness. Got a pretty late start because I had to finish up some final parts of it. Turned out pretty well if you ask me!First day I headed out to an area just south of Söderängstorp which seemed like a good calm place to spend the night. Got there pretty late, after sunset, so I had to set up camp and cook dinner alone in the dark, which was an interesting experience. But the spot I found turned out great and had a good view nearby as well. Second day I headed east towards Gålö, which I've also wanted to check out for a while. On the way there I stumbled upon the Brinkbäcken nature reserve with the biggest waterfall of Botkyrka municipality. Might not mean much, but it was still beautiful! When I finally arrived to Gålö I realized that it was pretty huge and that I didn't have time to check out even a fraction of it, so I focused on the northeastern half. The beach there was great, and the camping looks good as well. I headed a bit further into the forest to find my own camp site just as a short but intense rain shower hit. The camp still turned out well and with a great view. The night was a bit windy and surprised me with some thunder. (Is it safe to use a hammock in the thunder? Hope so!)On the third day my unaccustomed legs were not happy with me, but I needed to head back home to Stockholm. I ended up mostly going along roads that I'm already familiar with, so didn't experience a lot new thing, but it was still a great day for a bike ride!

En el mapa


Rutas y Lugares favoritos

  1. Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking - Day 1 - Stockholm to Söderängstorp

    42,6 km
    16,2 km/h
    640 m
    610 m
  2. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  3. Desafortunadamente, solo vio la mitad noreste en dirección al baño de mar, pero parecía haber muchos lugares de interés en toda el área y probablemente valga la pena visitar el baño de mar, independientemente de la temporada.

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  4. Waterfall - Brinkbäcken

    Lugar favorito para cicloturismo

    A menos de 50 metros del camino de grava (que conecta Brink y Lövvreten) se encuentra la cascada natural de Brinkbäcken, que es la cascada más grande del municipio de Botkyrka. Hay un pequeño puente de madera sobre el arroyo justo encima de la cascada. Lugar realmente hermoso. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente echarle un vistazo!

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    Consejo de Jiddo

  5. Acantilados realmente altos

    Lugar favorito para cicloturismo

    Este es un pequeño lugar de estacionamiento con información sobre la reserva natural de Gålö. Aquí hay un pequeño lugar de descanso y una chimenea, justo debajo de unos acantilados muy altos y casi completamente verticales. Algunas rutas de senderismo comienzan aquí.

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    Consejo de Jiddo

  6. Amplia playa con magníficas vistas

    Lugar favorito para cicloturismo

    La playa "Gålö Havsbad" está justo al lado de la zona de acampada de Gålö. Cuenta con dos áreas de playa relativamente grandes, una al lado de la otra. Aquí también hay un retrete público bien cuidado.

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    Consejo de Jiddo

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Lugares favoritos
  • Distancia
    141 km
  • Duración
    07:54 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.970 m

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