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Bikepacking & Scrambling in the Kofa Refuge


Bikepacking & Scrambling in the Kofa Refuge


Bikepacking & Scrambling in the Kofa Refuge

Colección de Lael

7 Rutas

24:16 h

271 km

4.370 m

With Kait Boyle and Eszter Honranyi, I went for a 4 day bikepacking & scrambling up peaks trip in the Kofa Refuge in southwestern AZ. The area has been a designated national refuge for Big Horn Sheep since the 1930s. It's very remote (zero resupply and very little cell phone reception). We slept outside for 3 nights and scrambled up 3 peaks along the way. We found water in the desert and had a total blast.Thank you to Kurt Refsnider for the route:
And to Kait & Eszter for getting me out there!All photos by Eszter Honranyi

En el mapa



  1. The Kofa: day 1 ride

    66,1 km
    16,5 km/h
    730 m
    760 m
  2. 03:31
    6,37 km
    1,8 km/h
    960 m
    720 m
  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 03:55
    57,6 km
    14,7 km/h
    580 m
    520 m
  5. 05:23
    84,3 km
    15,7 km/h
    980 m
    850 m
  6. 02:27
    45,4 km
    18,5 km/h
    310 m
    510 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    271 km
  • Duración
    24:16 h
  • Desnivel +
    4.370 m

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