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My Most Memorable Adventures of 2023


My Most Memorable Adventures of 2023

Roebijn Schijf

My Most Memorable Adventures of 2023

Colección de Roebijn Schijf

5 Rutas

11:28 h

185 km

2.600 m

Scrolling through my list of adventures of this year, these are the ones that stand out most and have left a lasting memory! Below I will tell you why each one was so special ✨

Family hike high up in Val Gerona
Typical for me, I always take my friends and family on 'slightly' too long and too hard tours because I have a hard time killing my darlings ;) For this one, we took about 5 hours and ended up not making it back in time for the decent by chairlift, oops. But it definitely was an experience they'll never forget!

Val di Mello hike, swim and boulder
I took my NZ family to one of my favourite places in the world, Val di Mello, a magical place surrounded by steep rock faces, snowy peaks, idyllic valley and crystal clear waters. Me and Joost used to go here every year for the bouldering festival Melloblocco, so I know it well. We hiked all the way to the end of the valley and back, jumped into the freezing water from a mega high boulder, did some bouldering and had gorgeous mountain food. What a day!

IRIS x komoot Women's Weekender day 3
I included the last day of our three day Women's Weekender organised by komoot with Iris Slappendel. We were joined by such an inspiring group of 40 women of very different experience and ages. Loved making this happen and helping women overcome their fears and self imposed limitations! True to komoot's mission, we made adventure accessible for all 💚💚💚

Happy kids in Greece
Oh Greece, such rugged and culture packed beauty! Martijn and me had a 10 day workation in Nafpaktos and made the most of it. This was a spontaneous ride where we did not stick to the plan and ended up discovering the most beautiful gravel decent ever.

Remi's crazy adventure tour
Komoot teamie Remi planned this one, and on a non-climbing day in Arco I decided to take a plunge (I usually plan all my rides myself) and ride it solo. I got caught in rain, hail, blasting sun and sidewinds, hit a dead end, scrambled up a muddy slope with my bike on my back and waded through a river. The pictures will tell you differently though! I guess you only take pics when you don't need both hands to keep up, hahaha.

En el mapa



  1. Excursión familiar a gran altura en Val Gerona

    9,22 km
    7,3 km/h
    480 m
    870 m

    Tomamos el telesilla para comenzar en lo alto del territorio alpino, y luego caminamos más y más a través de un barranco fresco hasta llegar al Lago Zancone para nuestro almuerzo relajado. La ruta fue bastante desafiante para las personas con problemas de rodilla de nuestro equipo, pero realmente espectacular

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  2. 00:52
    5,27 km
    6,1 km/h
    210 m
    210 m

    Val di Mello es uno de mis lugares favoritos. Con sus escarpadas paredes rocosas, picos imponentes, cascadas precipitadas, pozas de roca, pequeños lagos y, por supuesto, rocas, tiene todo lo que amo. Y hoy tengo que llevar a mi familia allí 🥰

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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 04:26
    90,8 km
    20,5 km/h
    250 m
    240 m

    ¡El último día de nuestro IRIS X komoot Women's Weekender! Recorrimos muchas pistas individuales desafiantes, pistas forestales que a veces se sentían como si estuviéramos en España y muchos carriles para bicicletas realmente bonitos. ¡Tanto sin asfaltar! Fue realmente extraño viajar a Maastricht despu

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  5. 01:36
    25,1 km
    15,6 km/h
    680 m
    690 m

    Planeamos un poco arriba y abajo de Nafpaktos y bajamos un descenso del cielo, ¡qué sueño andar en bicicleta aquí!

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  6. 03:18
    54,9 km
    16,6 km/h
    980 m
    930 m

    Cruce de ríos ✅️

    Escala sobre adoquines ✅️

    Caminata en bicicleta ✅️

    Camino cerrado ✅️

    Sendero de barro resbaladizo ✅️

    Horquillas impresionantes ✅️

    Vistas increíbles ✅️

    Descenso fluido ✅️

    Bingo de aventura completo 😆

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    185 km
  • Duración
    11:28 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.600 m

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