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Overnighter Series #1: Trosa


Overnighter Series #1: Trosa

Joel Planes

Overnighter Series #1: Trosa

Colección de Joel Planes

2 Rutas

13:11 h

161 km

1.490 m

Embark on an easy-to-ride, 160 km cycling tour starting from Stockholm. This route predominantly follows national and regional cycling paths like Cykelspåret 8 and Sverigeleden. In urban areas, you'll enjoy dedicated cycling lanes, while in the countryside, you'll share the road with cars driven by the ever-respectful Swedish motorists. You'll also encounter many fellow cyclists along the way, who will greet you with friendly waves and smiles.📍️ Starting Point
I began and concluded my journey in Handen, located in the southern part of Stockholm. One of the great aspects of this tour is its flexibility. You can cycle the entire distance or shorten your ride by taking the Pendeltåg commuter train to Tumba station. Another option is to take the Pendeltåg to Södertälje, then transfer to another train towards Gnesta and cycle from there.
🚲️ Along the Route
Throughout the tour, you'll find several charming coffee shops offering delightful Swedish treats. However, make sure to carry sufficient food or stock up at the kiosk after the ferry crossing, as the last 30 km before reaching Trosa are quite sparse in terms of amenities.
🥪️ Where to eat
Once you arrive in Trosa, I highly recommend visiting Två Små Svin, one of our favorite spots. Here, you can savor delicious Czech beer paired with Danish open sandwiches (SMØRREBRØD). It’s the perfect way to unwind and refuel after a rewarding day of cycling.

En el mapa



  1. 🚴‍♂️ Trosa - Day 1 - Handen to trosa

    81,8 km
    12,7 km/h
    790 m
    810 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    161 km
  • Duración
    13:11 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.490 m

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