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Hotzenwald Querweg trail – two stages in the southern Black Forest

Rutas de senderismo

Hotzenwald Querweg trail – two stages in the southern Black Forest


Hotzenwald Querweg trail – two stages in the southern Black Forest

Colección de senderismo de komoot



7-7 h

/ día

49,5 km

1.440 m

1.490 m

Deep in the south of the Black Forest, just before the Swiss border, lies the Hotzenwald. Away from the hustle and bustle of the Feldberg and Schluchsee, you can experience the quiet and unspoilt Black Forest on the Hotzenwald Querweg: Small villages, rustic farms, wide Alpine meadows, densely wooded valleys and unspoilt forests are waiting to be discovered by you. The long-distance hiking trail is only two stages long and is therefore perfect for a weekend in the nature of the Black Forest. And what's particularly practical, you can plan both walks independently or shorten them in the event of a sudden change in the weather thanks to the great rail and bus connections en route.

The Hotzenwald Querweg is signposted with a black and white diamond and leads you from Schopfheim an der Wiese to Waldshut am Rhein. In contrast to many other regions of the Black Forest, it is still quite quiet here and so you enjoy the picturesque cultural landscape of the Hotzenwald mostly all to yourself. By the way, the Hotzenwald owes its name to the traditional costume of its inhabitants: the sweeping pluderhose, which has been worn here by the rural population for centuries, is called "Hotze" for short.

As the two stages are well over 12 miles (20 kilometers) long and include quite a bit of elevation, the Hotzenwald Cross Country Trail is particularly suitable for enduring, experienced hikers. In addition, you should plan provisions and sufficient water for the hikes, as places to stop for refreshments are rare. In the stage town of Herrischried at the end of the first stages, you can choose between a guesthouse and several holiday apartments for your overnight stay.

The start and end points of your hike can be easily reached by bus and train. Also a bus stops at the stage destination of Herrischried once a day, so you can easily plan both Tours as a day-hike.

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Hotzenwald Querweg

44,4 km

1.420 m

1.450 m

Última actualización: 31 de mayo de 2024

Crea tu propia aventura en el planificador de varios días tomando como referencia las etapas sugeridas en la Colección.

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The two stages of the Hotzenwald Querweg trail

  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Etappe 1: Von Schopfheim nach Herrischried – Hotzenwald Querweg

    24,2 km
    3,3 km/h
    960 m
    470 m
    Caminata difícil. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Sendas de fácil acceso. Para todos los niveles.

    Su primera etapa en Hotzenwald Querweg comienza en Schopfheim. Desde la estación de tren, a la que llegan las líneas de S-Bahn desde Weil am Rhein y Zell, la ruta señalizada lo llevará fuera de la ciudad. Pronto habrá dejado atrás las últimas casas y estará paseando por una amplia ruta de senderismo

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  2. 07:23
    25,3 km
    3,4 km/h
    480 m
    1.020 m
    Caminata difícil. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Sendas accesibles en su mayoría. Se requiere tener paso firme.

    Su segunda etapa en Hotzenwald Querweg comienza en Herrischried. La ruta de senderismo lo lleva a través de amplios prados y a través de un pequeño bosque hasta el espacioso valle del Alto Murg. Pequeños pueblos, granjas aisladas y amplios y frondosos prados caracterizan el paisaje aquí.



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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    49,5 km
  • Duración
    14:43 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.440 m1.490 m

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