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From hut to hut in the Triglav Mountains in Slovenia


From hut to hut in the Triglav Mountains in Slovenia


From hut to hut in the Triglav Mountains in Slovenia

Colección de Iris

3 Rutas

11:43 h

39,6 km

2.550 m

We wanted to explore the Julian Alps/Triglav Region end of June 2019 and make a 4 days Hiking Trip from hut to hut. Unfortunately at this time of the season a lot of huts were still closed (still lots of snow as you can see on the pictures of day 2), so we had to replan a bit and shortened it to a 3 days tour. A MUST-SEE is the the hut at the end of day 2, as we had the best Gulasch and Applestrudel I ate in my whole life. And I am coming from Austria, so that means a lot ;)

En el mapa



  1. Tag 1: BER - LJU - Hüttenidylle🤩

    14,8 km
    3,4 km/h
    1.280 m
    300 m

    Sí, dos... todos los demás seguían cerrados 😂🙈

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  3. 03:41
    14,3 km
    3,9 km/h
    450 m
    1.780 m

    Sip. El primer día fue solo una breve tormenta de verano. Ya estaba gordo hoy 🙈

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    39,6 km
  • Duración
    11:43 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.550 m

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